Portland Pickles Game

Portland Pickles Game


Drag Queens and Baseball, what could be a better combination?

Start your engines, it's time for Dillion's Drag Race! Come to Walker Stadium and see iconic drag queens from Darvelle XV handing out with their best friend Dillon, the Portland Pickles' "famous" mascot. Join your Portland Frontrunners and the Portland Pickles, Portland's only baseball team, for Dillon's Drag Race presented by Darcelle XV.

Saturday June 1st, 7:05pm

Portland Frontrunners have secured a space for up to 40 people on the 3rd base side of the stadium where we will have tables and chairs and a dedicated wait staff for beer/alcohol runs/orders. We can watch the game, eat classic baseball stadium food, and we will also get a group photo with Dillon, and there will be drag queens, and yes there will also be a baseball game happening too! 

The Portland Pickles are a collegiate summer baseball wooden bat team based in Portland, Oregon. They play at Walker Stadium in SE Portland. 

Get your tickets now! (from us, buy your ticket directly from us)  

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